
Mexicode is dedicated to providing high-quality IT solutions. We measure the quality of our services not by the number of projects in our portfolio, but by our customer’s satisfaction with the approach we take.


Fixed prices

In this model, we agree upon a predetermined, fixed price for a specific project or service. This fixed price is typically based on a detailed scope of work, project requirements, and any deliverables involved.

We work at fixed rates — once we settle on the amount of services and the time we need to perform them, no additional fees will be charged.

This way, you have full control over your budget, but we stick to a strict project schedule. You can benefit from knowing the exact cost of the project upfront. This eliminates the risk of unexpected expenses or cost overruns, allowing for better financial planning.


Time and material

If you want more flexibility, we can provide you with that. Mexicode uses a T&M working approach to give you the opportunity to be fully involved at every stage of the development process.

In a time and material cooperation model, we agree to work together on a project based on an hourly rate for labor and the actual costs of materials or expenses incurred. Unlike fixed-price contracts, this model allows for flexibility in scope and often suits projects with evolving requirements or uncertain deliverables.

Moreover, we’ll be able to shift the schedule if any additional changes are required. This model is adaptable to changing project requirements. If the scope or objectives shift during the project, adjustments can be made without renegotiating the entire contract.


Dedicated team model

For a dedicated team model, our specialists will devote all of their working hours to your project only. This means we can adjust the priorities during the development process and let you request any changes at any stage.

Dedicated teams bring specialized skills and knowledge to the project, ensuring high-quality results. With a clear focus, dedicated teams tend to work more efficiently and meet deadlines effectively.